OK so anyone who knows me knows how much i enjoy singing. No matter how good or bad i may sound. I love music and i know a lot of music (mostly popluar music from the last 25 yrs.) So came up with a question that has become something i ask everyone around me. You may have heard it before but as you think for yourself and how you might answer have fun. I have gotten some really great responses...
If you had a theme song for your life what song would it be? You should not have to explain why the song should speak for itself, or rather you! Drum roll please as i reveal my pick for the theme song of my life.
"Dance with somebody" by Whitney Houston!! Take just a moment and picture me singing this for you:) Other responses that i have gotten from the high school students have been pretty funny. Everything from"Final countdown" to "Hokey Pokey". So tell me what would your theme song be?