This one will be short, so I'm going to get right to the point. God is Amazing, I'm not really aware of too many people who read this blog that would disagree with that. And He is amazing in all ways not just the few that I can recall from recent times. At this point there is no need for me to not be honest, but I have been living in a coma-like state. My personal life has been a complete mess. I understand that many people have problems and I would never claim to have more than anyone else, or that mine are more important than the next guys but geez I am a mess. Well I have been for about the last 5 months. I won't go into details or rather let me spare you the details...lol.
We all know the verses in the Bible that describe God being strong in our weaknesses... well I am weak, I'm poor, and I'm broken. But I am His, and He has held me even when I have not acknowledged it. More over He has sustained and even grown my ministry. Of course its His ministry anyway, but I don't deserve His intervention on something that I have in recent times neglected. My emotional coma...has caused me to back away from friendships, and even my family. The ministry though, God has given me more than enough to give out to the students around me. He really is the only thing that is good about me. The only good that ever comes from my life comes from Him inside me. And as I stumble through this life personally and professionally (in ministry) He is all that I need! Though I often struggle to be content with that, it is the truth that sustains my hardest days. I have always been aware that He does the real work in ministry, but in my recent struggles He is doing ALL the work and I've never experienced Him like this before. So I just have to say isn't He Amazing!
Tell me about the most amazing thing He has done for you in the past 6 months!
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