So last night Adam (my boyfriend) and I went to see the movie 'Slumdog Millionaire,' great movie by the way. As we were waiting through the previews that they always show before a movie (fyi, one of my favorite reasons to go to the theaters) a preview that kinda scared me appeared. Nope not a literal scary movie but an idea that I can't believe somebody got paid to come up with? "G-Force" is a movie about gerbals who are secret agents? What? I know its true, someone actually got paid money to come up with the premis for this movie. Sure its just a kids movie and I think kids will like it, but as I saw this I started thinking up some dumb ideas myself of movies that could be made....
-the 'tree' characters from the "Lord of the Rings" movies (and books, yes i know they were books first)...i think they should get there own movie. It could be similar to "The Never Ending Story", slow moving and kinda creepy.
-A "Life Musical", very much like "High School Musical" but with adults in the work place. Kinda like 'American Idol' meets "the Office".
-In light of cheerleading season being over I think if gerbals can be secret agents that farm animals can do gymnastics?
-How about a Documentary of people on a plane. I think we could all agree that we've met some pretty interestin folks on plane rides, the climax could be when the plane goes down and the only thing to document these peoples lives is this video....
So here are my dumb movie ideas. Wouldnt' be surprised if a couple of them really already existed but I just want the record to state that i want to get paid for my dumb ideas too!
-the 'tree' characters from the "Lord of the Rings" movies (and books, yes i know they were books first)...i think they should get there own movie. It could be similar to "The Never Ending Story", slow moving and kinda creepy.
-A "Life Musical", very much like "High School Musical" but with adults in the work place. Kinda like 'American Idol' meets "the Office".
-In light of cheerleading season being over I think if gerbals can be secret agents that farm animals can do gymnastics?
-How about a Documentary of people on a plane. I think we could all agree that we've met some pretty interestin folks on plane rides, the climax could be when the plane goes down and the only thing to document these peoples lives is this video....
So here are my dumb movie ideas. Wouldnt' be surprised if a couple of them really already existed but I just want the record to state that i want to get paid for my dumb ideas too!
when kim and i saw slumdog back in december when it was still a small indie film only showing in one theater in our area there definitly was not a preview for G-Force :-) I'm sure the previews were for artsy-fartsy films. I can't remember.
Um, the blogging world needs and update from Emmy....
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