Tuesday, July 9, 2013

CrossFit Chronicles take 2

   So here I am, in the sixth and final week of my beginners Crossfit class.  A couple of weeks ago I was in pain and constantly sleepy.  I had a friend tell me that once I got to week three that the workouts would no longer make me tired but would give me energy, and that I would love it.  There is no way that I would have thought my friend would be right but he was...in the middle of week three I finally felt stronger and was enjoying the workouts more.  I was no longer huffing and puffing through the warm-up and actually getting through it ready to start each morning.  Also despite NOT being a morning person getting up at 6am became easy and even preferred, (not that I don't look forward to off days and sleeping in a little.)
   As for the people of Crossfit, I still hold a somewhat similar opinion of them however in my six weeks I have felt them open up and be more friendly to those of us in the beginners class.  Maybe this is because they want the money and so they need us to sign up and keep coming, but I like to feel it has to do a little bit with credibility.  They have seen us start and struggle, but push through and finish the six weeks where many who began with us are gone.  They (Crossfit people) still come off as cocky, somewhat unfriendly, and way too interested in working out, but why would I fault them for finding something they are passionate about and pursuing it??  I have things that I am passionate about, though its not fitness and exercise, I'm sure when people interact with me regarding those things they might find me a bit cocky and way too consumed by it.
     Now the big questions come...did I lose weight, do I want to continue with Crossfit?  As for my body I decided to do this 6 week class because I needed something to get me moving again.  After the lose of my mother just over a year ago I have put on a lot of weight and the grieving process barely gives you the energy to get out of bed in the morning, never mind working out or running.  I had no weight goal in mind, I just wanted to be in shape again so that I could get back to life.  Which includes keeping up with teenagers weekly, not to mention two weeks of camp that can literally kill you no matter how "in shape" you are.  I have lost inches, though it would be difficult for most people to notice, I do and that is all that really matters.  And YES I think I would like to continue with Crossfit!  I am no where near able to keep up with the "Hardcore" crowd, but they are opening up a bootcamp class and many of the folks in my beginners class are going to do that so I will join them!
   When was the last time you challenged yourself, and found that you liked it?  Have you ever needed a healthy change and been motivated to do it, no matter how impossible it seemed?

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