Since my first tasting of the beautiful Chipotle burrito I've been hooked. To the point where when I moved to Florida one of the first things I did was google where the closest Chipotle restaurant was? To my dismay it was in another town south of where I live in Boynton:( I was soo sad until I learned that it was really only 20 minutes away. And believe it or not in no time I had boyfriend that lived their to help support my habit. Though the relationship was short lived it did not taint my devotion to Chipotle, however it did put a damper my frequency of the restaurant....Not long after that though a new one popped up north of me. A little bit closer to me but I go north even less than I drive south. So my burrito intake has slowed down to a depressing no more than once a month:(
Alas....literally around the corner from my house...not even a 5 minute drive, Chipotle Wellington is about to open this week!!! In fact during my last visit to the Chipotle north of here I made friends with one of the managers and struck up a conversation of my love for the restaurant. I took the opportunity to get the "dish" on the Wellington Chipotle, I was dying to know details that no one else would know. When I shared an interest in getting the word out about the opening he gave me the business card of the marketing manager for the south Florida Chipotle restaurants. I made the call, and boy did it pay... Not only did I find out that on Wednesday they are giving out FREE burritos all day, but I was also given the opportunity to help her pass out flyers in the mall! Out of the deal I got coffee, and I'll be receiving a "Chipotle backpack!!!", in addition Wednesday I will go and get my FREE burrito. The greatest gift for me in all this though is Chipotle as my neighbor....I can once again enjoy them as often as I can afford them! :)
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