Linden Paige, is my best friends daughter. She is yet to be born, but I look forward to her arrival with great anticipation! Many times just the mere thought of Linden coming into my life has stopped me, and when I really think about her I get very emotional.
You see I've known my best friend since the 6th grade...though I'm not that old most friendships don't span that long and have the kind of history that we do. Don't get me wrong we have a few other girls that we've known equal amounts time and are still close to, but this chick and have leaned on each other through a lot. And in edition to that the last year and a half her husband Ryan and I have worked together. Having a friendship that close with her husband has strengthened our friendship, and given me an even greater reason to rejoice with them in the coming of Linden.
I want to take a second to make some predictions of who Linden Paige will be. . .
First and foremost this girl will be Loved!!! Between her parents, and being the first grandchild on both sides of the family she wins hands down on the loved and yet-to-be-born child of the year category.
Second she is gonna be smart....probably smarter then me by the time she's 6, no lie. Ryan and Kim and very intelligent and pretty driven that way.
Third thing I'm predicting is that Linden will look like her mom, but have her dad's coloring and height. Total guess but I did say these are just predictions.
Fourth prediction is that she will love children's board games!! And most of the time will beat me at them, refer to 2nd prediction.
Fifth prediction is that she will potty train and walk sooner than most babies????
Sixth and final prediction for today is that she will like Asian food, no real reason for this one just a hunch?
While Linden's due date is still at least a month and a half away, I'll have to be honest and say that I really just can't wait for her to be here. I can't wait to see my best friend become the mom that she has always wanted to be, (well once she decided she didn't want to become President of the United States so at least that long).